REACH (810) 233-8700
Traverse Place (810) 341-6328
Street Outreach Youth (810) 449-3667
Street Outreach Adult (810) 553-0056
Street Outreach Lapeer & Shiawassee (810) 210-4399
This one seems obvious enough, but most people have a tough time with this. The majority of disputes can be avoided with simple listening. Good communication starts with listening to understand, then responding in a calm and respectful tone. How have you been communicating with your partner lately? Are you listening? Speaking to them with respect? It’s not always what you say, but how you say it that makes the difference!
You can’t always get everything you want in a relationship so learning to compromise with your partner will help avoid plenty of problems. This is where we all have to leave our selfishness at the door and consider our partner’s needs and not just our own. How are you doing in this department? What could you sacrifice for the good of your relationship?
Relationships are hard work! That’s why relationships based around how you feel about your partner at any given moment are doomed to fail. But relationships rooted in a conscious and deliberate decision to stick it out through the hard times are on a pathway for success. Consider your relationships. Are you living based on your feelings or your decision?
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