REACH (810) 233-8700
Traverse Place (810) 341-6328
Street Outreach Youth (810) 449-3667
Street Outreach Adult (810) 553-0056
Street Outreach Lapeer & Shiawassee (810) 210-4399
Thankfulness Challenge: Each member has a partner. Everyone has 1 minute to run around and find a gift for the other member and put in a bag. The receiver takes the gift out, shows family and say thank-you and says something complimentary about the giver.
Family Trivia Night: Divide family into teams of two. Each member asks questions about their partner, e.x. “favorite color?”. The partner then answers the same question about the other member in another room. The goal is to see how many things know about each other.
Who, Where, What: Brainstorm a list of people, places you all have been, movies you enjoy or things done together. Break into teams and play charades and the other family members have to guess what place, person, or thing they are acting out.
Back to Back Pictures: Divide family into two’s and have them sit back to back. One member gets a pre-drawn picture and the other member gets a piece of paper and pen. The member with the picture gives instructions on how to draw their picture without telling what it is. Discuss the activity.
Memory Wall: On a poster board come up with phrases that can be illustrated through pictures, e.x: “birthdays”, “vacations”, “achievements” and create a collage.
Communication Building Activities:
1. Sit down with teen in a quiet place.
2. Each member has pen and paper.
3. Write down 3 things like about each other and 3 things would change.
4. Take turns discussing what you both wrote down. Agree that you both will listen to each other and agree to be respectful.
One on One Sessions: Schedule one on one time with each family member. Participate in a hobby together, etc. Use the time to build a bond, discuss problems, etc. *
Pick an M & M: Each color of the M & M represents an emotion. Each member selects an M & M without looking and takes a moment to share an experience or memory that aligns with the color of M & M selected. As everyone shares a natural conversation can happen. *
Family Council Meetings: A meeting where a problem is discussed, an opportunity is presented, or an issue is shared. During the meeting, the issue is explained and each person is invited to share their opinion about the matter. *
Family Planning Sessions: During the family planning sessions, the calendar is reviewed to ensure the upcoming activities and events are noted. During the session, everyone can clarify needs for the week, etc. *
Trust Building Activities: Blindfold one person. The person not blindfolded walks the blindfolded person around the house for 10-15 minutes. Have a discussion about the experience. *
Analyzing the Event: Sit down in a quiet place. Each member writes a 6 sentence poem reflecting how each feels about an event or situation that involves both parties. Each member reads their poem out loud. Each member tries to guess what event or situation is being reflected in each poem. Each member discusses their feelings regarding the event or situation and the impact of the event. *
Other relationship building activities: